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Edgewood Outdoors

Writer's picture: Brian LansingBrian Lansing

Last week, I wrote about getting geared up and ready for the upcoming season. Part of gearing up may mean replacing your fishing net. Introducing Edgewood Outdoors! As many of you fine folks know, in addition to guiding, I operate a small woodworking business specializing in hand-crafted wood fly fishing nets. These are the same nets I use every day on the water. It’s been a work in progress, oftentimes a slow trudge toward operation. BUT… Just before the holidays this past season, I hit the “publish” button and the website went live. Edgewood Outdoors has a live site, is open for business, and I do have a stock of nets available to ship.

A nice Central NY brown trout with an Edgewood Outdoors fishing net.
A nice Central NY wild brown trout with my Edgewood Outdoors fly fishing net!

Nets have already gone out the door this year and a special thanks goes to those who have already purchased product and helped support my endeavor. If you, or someone you know, is in the market for a new fly fishing net, I’d be very appreciative if you checked out and took a peek at offerings available. As I mentioned, I do have a stock of some nets available right now. There are a few models currently “out of stock”, but there are always nets in the works.

Edgewood Outdoors Classic Series handcrafted fly fishing net.  This made of walnut and maple.
Edgewood Outdoors Classic Series handcrafted fly fishing net. This made of walnut and maple.

My vision for my small business is to offer fine, hand-crafted products for sportsmen and women that are made here in the USA. Those of you who know me are aware of my preference to buy American made products. In an age of imported and often disposable products, I aim to craft high quality nets and products that are made locally and will last for years. Currently, I am focusing my woodworking time and efforts into crafting fishing nets as I am still guiding full-time as well. However, I intend to introduce products down the road for both field and home (hand-carved duck hunting decoys, live edge benches/tables, hardwood cheese and cutting boards, coasters, and a variety of other ideas). I have a lot of nice ideas I look forward to introducing in time. I guess what I’m trying to say is to please check back periodically.

Edgewood Outdoors Handcrafted Leopardwood Fly Fishing Net
Edgewood Outdoors Handcrafted Leopardwood Fly Fishing Net

All nets are handcrafted with various types of hardwoods. While some styles, sizes and selections of nets I aim to keep full stock of, others I will have as different hardwoods are available. Some of the more exotics, such as Leopardwood or Yucatan Rosewood, are certainly going to bit more limited. Each net is crafted as if it were to be my own and live up to everyday use. My personal net has thrived for 5 years thus far on the water and sees elements 150+ days out of the year. Sure, there are scuffs, scratches, bumps and bruises, etc., but they tell stories of fish net. The nets are made to be used. Over time, the net may need to be refinished or have a new bag lashed onto the hoop, but that means it has served its purpose and done its job! Each net comes with rubber catch & release netting, helping to keep the fish healthy and helping to keep you, the angler, tangle free. Every net is finished with 3-4 coats of clear satin waterproof spar-urethane, but should be dried thoroughly after each use, and stored in a dry place out direct sunlight.

Questions? Please feel free to shoot me an email and I’d be happy to answer them. More information about different size nets, weights, etc. can be found on the product pages on the website. Thank you all for reading and thank you all for your consideration and support! Please feel free to share and/or follow along on Facebook and Instagram as well.

Last, but not least, what’s a good fly fishing blog post without any fishing? Weather and conditions have been a bit difficult recently. Last weekend was essentially a restart with stream conditions. Water temperatures plummeted and were in the mid-30s while out on Saturday and Sunday. Temperatures have come up some this week and fishing has improved some, but rain today is likely to make local streams difficult or unfishable for a few days. With snow and cold in the forecast yet again, it’s likely going to be a difficult weekend. However, next week is looking great. Temperatures in the 60s will get things trending in a good direction. The key to success has been to keep moving and keep changing flies. Each pool and pod of fish has been a little bit different, but frenchies and buggers worked well for me. Better conditions are ahead! I expect a big turn next week.

As always, thanks for reading. Good luck if you get out this weekend. Hope to see you on the water soon! And..... LETS GO YANKEES!!!




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