It was a guys’ weekend. Five of us were on a summertime trout catching, beer drinking mission in #UpstateNewYork. My dad, brother, uncle, cousin, and I fished for a day on West Canada Creek and a day on the famed West Branch of the Ausable River. Nobody was seriously injured. We didn’t get skunked. Large trout were caught. Small trout were caught. Flies were lost as trees were caught. There was cold beer and we never ran out. NOT being skunked and out of beer is always a win.
Fly fishing in July can be difficult. Water levels and temperatures aren’t always cooperative. Thermometers hit the water before the lines did. Water temps, for the most part, cooperated until the afternoon hours. Some areas were warmer than others and we’d move on. By mid-day, it was just too warm. The water was low and clear, but could have been far worse.
West Canada Creek was our first destination. Fishing was good in the morning, naturally, when bugs were abundant. No tankers were tamed here, but trout were certainly brought to the net and released to become tanks someday, hopefully. We caught quite a few small wild trout, with some stockies mixed in. The largest was a 16”-17” stocked #browntrout. It was fat, bull-dogged in the current, and clearly has been able to find a lot of food.

We left for camp about the time the summer float tube hatch started. We should have joined that hatch. A tube for the beverages and tube for the humans. I stayed cool wet wading, a favorite summertime activity of mine discussed in a prior post. It’s great because I’m already wet from wading, so when I trip and take a tumble, I just require more dry time. It’s not unwelcomed when it’s 85 degrees. At camp the for the rest of the evening, we sat around a fire, talked a little smack, threw some horseshoes around, and prepared for the morning fishing, all while enjoying cold beer.
The Ausable was low and clear. It is getting warm and may not even be fishable as I write this, but it was below 70 degrees until mid-day, thanks to the cool nights and a bit of rain earlier in the week. It is a favorite of mine to fish, especially with great company. It is a beautiful and picturesque river running through a tight, boulder strewn valley and gorge. It also has great public access. The #flyfishing was excellent for July. Large trout, small trout, and the ever-abundant tree branch provided tight lines and bent rods for a great half day. Watching my dad sight fish and deliver a dry fly to a very nice sipping brown trout, and land it, was certainly a highlight.
Nobody was seriously injured. Some banged up shins and knees and jammed toes was the worst of it. Only once did I announce my presence to the trout with authority as my feet slipped into the air and I landed on my back side, really making a loud and sizeable splash. Luckily, my pack was there to break my fall. I, unknowingly, had stripped some key studs from my shoes. For the remainder of the day, I treaded with far more care.
When the heat kicked us off the water, we retreated to cold beers, pizza, cards and horseshoes. It was a gorgeous weekend in the Adirondacks with great company. Thank you to my cousin, uncle, dad, and brother for going on the trip and throwing it all together.
I hope everyone had a great weekend and was able to get on the water. Please remember to check water temps regularly on the trout streams. Early mornings are best. Afternoons and evenings are too warm.
Tight lines,
Brian Lansing